The Overview Page

When you first log into your Pitch N Hire account, you'll be greeted by an interactive and visually engaging dashboard. This dashboard is designed to provide you with immediate access to essential tasks and a clear overview of your recruitment activities. 

It features quick action buttons and comprehensive charts that help you stay on top of your current pipeline. The dashboard is divided into three main sections, each accessible via the options at the top of the page: Overview, Reports, and Notifications.

The Overview Page

The Overview page is your central hub, designed to streamline your workflow and provide you with an at-a-glance view of your recruitment activities.

Quick Actions

At the very top of the Overview page, you will find a series of actionable buttons grouped under the title ‘Quick Actions.’ These buttons are your gateway to frequently used functions, making it easier to manage various aspects of your recruitment process:

  1. + Add Company: Clicking this button will redirect you to the ‘Company’ section within the ‘Settings’ page visible on the left-hand sidebar. Here, you can add new companies to your database, which is essential for managing multiple clients or recruitment campaigns.
  2. + Add Job: This button takes you directly to the ‘Job Postings’ page. From here, you can create new job postings to attract candidates, streamline your recruitment efforts, and keep your job listings up-to-date.
  3. + Add Candidate: Selecting this option will redirect you to the ‘Candidate Pool’ page. This is where you can add new candidates to your database, manage their profiles, and keep track of their applications and statuses.
  4. + Create Email Template: Clicking this button will take you directly to the ‘Email Templates’ section of the ‘Template Manager’ page. Here, you can create and customize email templates to streamline your communication with candidates and clients.
  5. + Compose Mail: This option will open the ‘+ Compose’ section within the ‘MailBox’ on the platform. Use this feature to draft and send new emails directly from the dashboard.

Job Counts

Just below the Quick Action buttons, you will see a summary of job counts that provides a snapshot of your current job postings. This section includes:

  • Total Jobs: Displays the total number of job postings currently in your system, giving you an overview of the breadth of your recruitment efforts.
  • Published Jobs: Shows the number of jobs that are currently live and visible to potential candidates. This helps you quickly assess how many positions are actively being advertised.
  • Archived Jobs: Indicates the number of jobs that have been archived. Archived jobs are no longer active but are stored for record-keeping and historical reference.
  • Draft Jobs: Lists the number of job postings that are still in draft form. Draft jobs are not yet published and are pending further review or completion.

Active Jobs

Below the job counts, you will find the ‘Active Jobs’ section. This area presents a table detailing recent active job postings. The table is divided into several columns:

  • Job Title: Displays the title of the job position.
  • Department: Shows the department where the job is located, providing context for the role.
  • Location: Indicates the geographical location of the job.
  • Applied: Shows the number of applications received for each job.

If you need to view all active jobs rather than just the recent ones, you can click on ‘View All.’ This action will expand the list to include all active job postings, offering a comprehensive view of your recruitment pipeline.


On the right side of the Overview page, you will find the notifications section. This area is dedicated to displaying recent notifications related to your account activities. Notifications are organized to ensure you stay informed about important updates and actions:

  • Viewing Notifications: 

You can see a list of your recent notifications, which will include the date or time elapsed since the notification was issued. For a more detailed view of all notifications, click on ‘View All.’

  • Managing Notifications: 

Each notification includes a three-dot menu, which provides options to ‘Mark as Read’ or ‘Remove.’ Use these options to manage your notifications according to your preferences. Marking notifications as read helps you keep track of which updates you have already reviewed, while removing notifications can help you clear clutter from your dashboard.

Job Applications by Department

Positioned below the notifications section, you will find a pie chart titled ‘Job Applications by Department.’ This visual representation provides insights into the distribution of job applications across different departments:

  • Pie Chart: The chart is color-coded to represent various departments, making it easy to see how many candidates have applied to each department. This helps you quickly assess the interest levels and application trends for different areas within your organization.

The ‘Overview’ page of the Pitch N Hire dashboard is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, offering quick access to critical tasks and a clear overview of your recruitment metrics. By familiarizing yourself with these features, you can navigate the platform efficiently and stay on top of your recruitment efforts.

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