Review All Job Posting Details Before Publishing

Before making your job posting live, it’s essential to conduct a thorough review. Navigate to the ‘Review’ section either from the left-hand panel or by clicking the forward navigation arrow at the bottom of the SEO page.

Carefully examine all job details, including the job title, description, location, salary range, required skills, and application form. Ensure accuracy and completeness. If you need to make changes, use the navigation arrows or directly click on the required section to return to the previous sections, modify the details, and save them.

Once you're satisfied with the job posting, click the ‘Publish’ button located at the bottom of the review page. Alternatively, the ‘Publish’ button will also be available on the ‘Job Details’ page. 

After successful publication, a ‘Congratulations!’ message will appear, along with a button to copy the job posting URL. Paste this link into a new browser tab to view the live job posting as it will appear to candidates.

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