Manage Candidate Progression with Stages

In the Pitch N Hire ATS, the ‘Stages’ feature serves as the backbone of the candidate progression system. To access it, navigate to the ‘Job Postings’ section on the left-hand panel of your dashboard. Once there, and after ensuring that the ‘Job Details’ form has been filled out and saved, you can proceed to the ‘Stages’ tab which will now be accessible.

Stages are the various phases a candidate passes through during the hiring process. These are structured to reflect the company’s hiring workflow and provide clear visibility into where each candidate stands. The default stages in the system are as follows:

  • Applied: This initial stage captures all candidates who have submitted their applications.
  • Shortlisted: Candidates moved to this stage have been identified as meeting the basic criteria for the role.
  • Scheduled: This stage is for candidates who have been scheduled for interviews or further assessments.
  • Qualified: Candidates are moved here if they pass the initial interview rounds and are considered qualified for the position.
  • Rejected: This stage is for candidates who are no longer being considered for the position.

Customizing Your Hiring Pipeline and Different Stages

A hiring pipeline is a structured sequence of stages that candidates go through during the recruitment process. This pipeline is customizable according to the specific steps of your company’s hiring strategy.

The flexibility of the ATS allows for stages to be added, edited, or deleted to tailor the hiring process to your company’s specific needs. To add a new stage in the pipeline:

  • Click on the ‘+ Add Stage’ button right above the listed stages.
  • Enter the name of the new stage in the ‘Enter Stage Name’ field.
  • Click on the ‘Save’ icon labeled as ‘Add Item’.

Note: Click on the ‘Save as Template’ button below the stages, name the template, and click on ‘Save’ to ensure your customized pipeline is saved for future use. 

To use an existing template, click on the ‘Choose Template’ drop-down at the right-hand corner of the screen and pick an existing template of your choice to be redirected to the chosen template.

Editing Stages

Each stage within your pipeline can be modified to suit your evolving hiring needs. Here's how you can manage this:

  • Click on the pencil icon on the right of the stage name to rename it and the arrow icon on the left of the stage name to change its position within the pipeline. This is essential for maintaining an accurate and efficient hiring process that aligns with your current practices.

Regularly review and update stages to ensure they are aligned with your current recruitment process. Remember, the stages you set up here will be pivotal in tracking candidate progress and ensuring a smooth recruitment workflow. Take the time to think through the typical journey a candidate takes from application to hire and set your stages to best reflect this journey.

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