Manage the Billing & Subscription Page

The Billing & Subscription page is located at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar, providing an overview of your financial transactions within the Pitch N Hire platform. 

Clicking on the ‘Billing & Subscription’ option opens the Billing page, where you can view and manage your payments, invoices, and subscription details.

Navigating the Billing Section

The Billing page is divided into two main sections: Payment and Invoice History


This section displays a list of your recent payment transactions. The information is presented in columns:

  • Payment ID: A unique identifier for each payment.
  • Payment Date: The date when the payment was made.
  • Payment Source: The method used for payment (e.g., credit card, PayPal).
  • Status: The current status of the payment (e.g., Success, Pending, Failed).

Invoice History

This section provides a record of your invoices. The information is organized in columns:

  • Invoice Number: A unique identifier for each invoice.
  • Order Type: The type of purchase associated with the invoice (e.g., subscription, credits).
  • Payment Source: The payment method used.
  • Payment Date: The date when the payment was made.
  • Payment Amount: The total amount of the invoice.
  • Action: A download icon allows you to download a PDF copy of the specific invoice.

To view either the Payment History or Invoice History, click on the corresponding section heading at the top of the Billing page. This will display the relevant information in the respective section.

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